While Premier has previously collaborated with iconic female artists, in none of the aforementioned examples has the iconic producer/DJ entirely produced one of their projects. With a resume like Premier’s, it takes a lot to get his attention—and perhaps more importantly his respect.
Enter Torii Wolf, a singer-songwriter and musician from Wantagh, New York who traded coasts–bouncing around West Coast cities and enhanced herself artistically; shunning categories, confinement, and convention. Torii also just happens to be the first female artist to have her entire project (the forthcoming album entitled Flow Riiot) produced by Preemo. “Torii has such a weird, wicked style,” Premier offers. “It’s just very left field—reminiscent of a Bjork or something like that. She is so unique and versatile; she writes, sings and is an accomplished guitarist and drummer. But image-wise, there is no comparison. Subject-wise, Torii is in a whole different place.”
“Shadows Crawl” is the only track I did not specifically create for Torii’s album” DJ Premier tells Vibe. “I made it for Yuna’s new album, but she went for the second demo (which would go on to become the projects lead-single “Places To Go”). When we finished recording Torii’s debut, Flow Riiot, I felt like we needed one more song and I played her this beat. Torii wrote “Shadows Crawl” on the spot and cut the vocals. I immediately knew that this should be the follow up to our first single “1st.”
“Shadows Crawl” continues to display the musical symmetry and bond Torii developed with Premier; “Preem played me this beat he made for Yuna that she didn’t end up using and I instantly felt connected to it” Torii relayed to Vibe. “I’ve never been a good sleeper, I sleep in tiny intervals, if at all, and when I do I alk in my sleep. It’s such a vulnerable place, to be verbally expressive and not know what could creep out of your subconscious. I love Preem’s vibe on this record, it brings me to that “Eldritch Place” (wondrous and curious places). Performing “Shadows Crawl” together live has been unreal.”
A hip-hop king who has a habit of contributing and producing historic projects behind the boards, mixed with Torii Wolf’s full clip of moods, range, and vast musical talent. What’s not to like? Torii and Premier’s collaborative union bum-rushes the walls of genre, age, and expectations to let the world know there’s a Flow Riiot going on.
via DjPremier News
Torii Wolf – Shadows Crawl (Produced by DJ Premier)
Reviewed by Fullblastradio
4:24 PM